Cult Points

Zogu Bridge

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Zogu Bridge is one of the most unique and historical sights in Albania, which stands out for its architectural structure and rich history. This bridge is located on the right of the road leading to Mirdita, stretching its beautiful arches over the river Mat. Built in 1927, it was called "Zogu Bridge" after the king of Albania, Ahmet Zogu, who was the creator of the construction of this multi-functional bridge.

Zogu Bridge stands out for its style of arches, which give it a special architectural value and make it look like a museum monument. Its construction was completed within a year, a short time for a project of this size, especially at the time of construction.

King Zog's idea for the construction of this bridge was to create a necessary gate for entering the area of Albania, including the cities and settlements of Shkodra, Lezha, Mirdita, Tropoja, Kukës, Puka, and others. It was a key element in the road infrastructure of the time and served as an important link between several cities and regions of the country.

The Zogu Bridge project was realized with the cooperation of an Italian engineer, Martini, while the vast majority of auxiliary materials and additional aids were supplied by the Italians. For the implementation of the project, an Albanian engineer, Gjovalin Gjadri, was involved, who took over the main part of the construction work. Gjadri is also known for the design of the Milot-Burrel highway, which passes through the meadow of Turku through Mirdita.

According to the press of the time, the Zogu Bridge was considered one of the most magnificent and magnificent constructions in the country. In addition to its road function and connecting different areas of the country, it made history for the architecture and engineering of the time. Also, this bridge has been a symbol of modernization and infrastructure development in Albania at that time.

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Ura e Zogut, Albania



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