Cult Points

Teqeja of Hasan Dede

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The Teqeja of Hasan Dede in Këlcyrë holds significant spiritual and cultural importance for the Bektashi community. Constructed by Baba Ademi in the 17th century, this teqe has a rich and diverse history. Hasan Dede Tregu, a key figure in Bektashism, played a crucial role in spreading and safeguarding this tradition in the Këlcyra region.

Throughout its history, the teqeja has endured significant challenges, including destruction by Greek forces in the spring of 1914 followed by reconstruction around 1920. During the communist era, it was closed and demolished in 1967, only to be revived following the restoration of freedom in 1991. In 2007, the teqe was completely rebuilt, symbolically renewing the spirit and identity of this sacred site.

Today, the teqeja remains a vital center for Bektashi adherents, continuing the legacy of Hasan Dede and others who have contributed to the preservation and advancement of this spiritual tradition.

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Këlcyrë, Albania



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