Cult Points

Këlcyra Mosque

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Këlcyra Mosque stands as a significant historical and architectural landmark in Këlcyra, Albania. Reflecting the traditional style of Balkan Muslim mosques, it features a spacious prayer hall with a dome over a square base. Its facade is adorned with intricate architectural elements, including decorative motifs and a nearby minaret.

Inside, the mosque is adorned with elegant tapestries and carpets, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to prayer and sermons. Visitors are greeted at the entrance with facilities for ablution, a customary practice in Islam. A pulpit is situated on one side for the imam to lead prayers and deliver sermons during designated times.

The Këlcyra Mosque serves not only as a place of worship but also as a hub for social and cultural interaction within the Muslim community of the city and region. It stands as a testament to Këlcyra's cultural and architectural heritage, underscoring the significance of Islam in the country's historical narrative.

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