What to visit in Maliq?
Maliqi lies in the Southeast of Albania, it is part of the Korça District, it lies to the northwest of the city of Korçë, about 13 km away from it, and to the west of the Korçë plain, along the course of the Devoll River. The municipality consists of the city of Maliq and six Administrative Units: Pojan, Vreshtas, Libonik, Gora, Moglicë, Pirg.
♦Cultural Heritage objects of particular importance that you can visit in Maliq
• Historical - Archaeological
- 1. Kloca Castle
2. Kakaçi Castle
3. Symiza Castle
4. Podgorica Castle
5. Zvezd Castle
6. Gobeshi Castle
7. Gradishta Castle
8. Walls at Zvezda's Neck
9. Prehistoric settlement, Vashtmi
10. Prehistoric settlement, Maliq
•Culture Tourism, Heritage - Architecture
1. Bridge in Gopesh
2. Bridge in Moglica
3. Qamil Beqiraj's flat, Gopesh
4. The apartment of Dajlan and Rushan Bashllari, Zvarisht
5. Ramadan's apartment, Kaplan Qoses
6. Beqir Ibrahimllari's flat, Naim Peto's
7. Idaje apartment of Fuat Mirashi
♦Other objects of natural cultural importance that can be visited are:
• Other natural resources
1. Cut Stone
2. Bokrimat of Moglica
3. Lakes of Lenia
4. Robulli Kuq, Leave
5. Sparthi of Osojë-Bakulli
6. Protopapa Opar's prayer
7. Maliqi Mixed Forest
8. Ahishtet e Bofnje, Dushar
9. The Scroll of Leave
10. The Pheasant forest
♦Villages of Maliqi: Kolanec, Goce, Gjyras, Bickë, Fshat Maliq, Plovisht, Libonik, Drithas, Vloçisht, Vashtëmi, Pocestë, Symiz, Klocë, Shkozë, Kembëthekër, Beras, Zboq, Memël, Manastirec, Zvarisht, Dolan, Lozhan, Lozhan I ri, Senisht, Tresovë, Strelcë, Shalës, Selcë, Velçan, Mesmal, Moçan, Mjaltas, Marjan, Desmirë, Qënckë, Babjen, Dolanec, Moglicë, Gopesh, Dobërçan, Maliq-Opar, Gurkuq, Bardhas, Zerec, Dushar, Torovec, Shpatmal Peshtan, Lumaj, Protopapë, Osojë, Gurshqipe, Kucakë, Nikollarë, Vreshtas, Sheqeras, Bregas, Podgorie, Pirg, Gurishtë, Zvirinë, Leminot, Qershizë, Kakaç, Shqitas, Veliternë, Sovjan, Novoselë, Bubuq, Pojan, Zvezdë, Shëngjergj, Kreshpanj, Plasë, Zëmblak, Burimas, Pendavinj, Terovë, Rov, Orman, Rëmbec