What to visit in Vlora?
What to visit in Vlora?
Vlora is located in the southwest of Albania, in the Adriatic Sea. Vlora is an ancient city, founded in the 6th century BC. She was formerly known by the name Aulona. Vlora is also the city where the Declaration of Albanian Independence was announced on November 28, 1912.
It is one of the main ports of Albania, with a population of 188,922 inhabitants. It is an important commercial and maritime center in Albania. The fishing industry is developed in Vlora. It produces oil, natural gas, bitumen and salt. A big development is also tourism, due to the natural beauties, this development being accompanied by the construction of many hotels, restaurants, beaches.
The Cultural Heritage objects that you can visit in Himarë are:
- Cultural, Historical - Archaeological Monuments
- Kanina Castle (located in the southeastern part of the city)
- Gjon Boçari's castle (located in the field of Dukat)
- Porto Palermo Castle (located between Himara and Qeparoi)
- Traces of Vlora Castle (on the foundations of the Sports Palace)
- Treporti Castle and the ancient wall (extends to the northwest of the city)
- Orik Ancient City (ancient city about 25 km south of the city)
- Treporti Castle and Ancient Wall in the sea
- The Ruined Village of Old Tragjas
- Jules Caesar's path, Llogara
- Flag Pine, Llogara
- Other cultural objects that are part of the Heritage
1. House of the Formation of the Government 1920
2. The Monumental Tomb of Ismail Qemali (work of the sculptor Odhise Paskali, was built in 1932)
3. Dervish Ali Towers (in Dukat, built in 1979 at the beginning of the XIX century)
4. Labëria Club (today it is the Ethnographic Museum)
5. The First School No. 1
6. The 1925 building
7. The Museum Complex
8. The complex above the Museum
9. Former Art Gallery
10. Former Prefecture
11. Former Investigation
12. Commercial Bank of Vlora
13. The History Museum
14. The building where the "Provisional Government of I.Q" headquarters was located in Vlora Wharf
Other Cultural Objects, Heritage – Architecture:
1. Edifice near Labëria Club
2. Two Floor Edifice
3. Hamza Memorial Edifice (in Kania)
4. Eqerem Bej Vlora's Edifice
5. Edifice e Cifuti (Rr. Lef Sallata)
6. Islam John's Edifice
7. The Edifice of the Hoxha Family in front of the Church
8. Halim Xhelo's Edifice where the Regional Youth Committee was established
9. Islam John's Edifice
10. Writer Petro Marko's Edifice
11. Radhimaj's Edifice
12. The Edifice in Partizani neighborhood
- Other, Cultural resources:
1. Church Mound (in Tragjas)
2. Aqueduct of Ferun (built in 1888, in the XIX century)
3. Inscriptions in Grammata Bay (on the Karaburun Peninsula, known as Grammata Bay)
4. The Justin Godard Street Ensemble (Museum Street from 1912-1921)
5. The Jewish Way (the origin of this friendship, almost 600 years of history)
6. Complex Clock
♦ Cult objects such as:
1. Monastery of Saint Mary (in Zvrnec)
2. Church of Marmiro (in Pashaliman)
3. Catholic Church
4. Muradia Mosque (near Flag Square)
5. Teqeja of Kanina
♦ Other objects of cultural and natural importance that can be visited are:
1. The cave between the Dukat and Tragjas Villages
2. Haxhi Ali's cave (on the Karaburun peninsula, at the northwest end of Cape Gjuhëza)
3. Cave of Panaia
- Other, Natural resources:
1. Kusbabai sea terrace (it takes its name from Seyid Ali Sultan, known as Ati Kuzum - Quzum Baba, a Bektash spiritual leader)
2. Marine Terrace, the former rest house for workers
3. Diall Gorge Coral Barrier
4. Sazan's Cliffs
5. Jamia Platanus (located inside the courtyard of Muradija Mosque)
6. Çesme Platanus (Mirol)
7. School No. 1 Platanus (located east of Flag Square)
8. Dukat's Platanus
9. Old Tragjas Platanus
10. Platanus of Izvor
- The largest and most important lagoons of Albania:
1. Narta Lagoon (located at the southern end of the Coastal Lowland)
2. Limopuo Lagoon (located near Zvrnec, in the southwestern part of the Narta Lagoon)
3. Soda Forest (in Zvrnec)
♦ Public beaches and unexplored beaches you can visit in Vlora:
- Sun and Sea Tourism
1. Cold Water Beach - Jonufer (located about 5 km from the city center)
2. Old Beach
3. Orikum
4. Queue
5. Dafina small beach
6. Bitri coast
7. Grama's small bay (located in the western part of Karaburun)
- Nature Tourism, Ecotourism:
- Vjosë-Nartë
Karaburun – Sazan;
1. Marine National Park, Karaburun - Sazan
2. Karaburun Peninsula
Cape of Juhëza (in the northwest of the Karaburun Peninsula)
♦All the villages in Vlora:
Aliban, Amonicë, Armen, Babicë e Madhe, Babicë e Vogël, Bashaj, Bestrovë, Beshisht, Bishan, Brataj, Bunavi, Cerkovinë, Çeprat, Delisuf, Dëllënjë, Drashovicë, Drithas, Dukati, Dukati i Ri, Dushkarak, Fitore (Novoselë), Gërrnec, Golimbas, Grabian, Gumenicë (Kotë), Gjileka, Gjorm, Haderaj, Hoshtim, Hysoverdhë, Iliazi, Kanina, Vlorë, Karbunarë, Kërkovë, Kocul, Kota, Kropisht, Kudhësi, Lapardha, Lepenicë, Lubonjë (Vlorë), Llakatundi, Malas (Vlorë), Mallkeq, Matogjin, Mazhar, Mazhar (Sevaster), Mekat, Mertiraj, Mesaplik, Mesarak, Mifol, Nartë, Novoselë, Panaja, Penkovë, Peshkëpi, Petë, Picar (Armen), Piluri, Ploç, Poro, Qafa e Limit, Qeparo Fushë, Radhima, Ramica, Rexhpaj, Risil, Rromes, Sazani, Sevaster, Skrofotinë, Sherrisht, Shkallë-Mavrovë, Shkozë, Shushicë, Tragjasi, Tragjasi i Vjetër, Treblovë, Trevllazër, Vajzë, Velcë, Vermik, Vezhdanisht, Vllahinë, Vodicë, Xhyherrinë, Zvërnec.
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