Shëndelliu Church is a cultural heritage monument in Voskopoja, Korça. This monument is of the "Architecture" type, approved in January of 1963. Its typology is a church, built in the post-Byzantine period, around the 18th century.
It is known differently as the church of Saint Ilias, built in 1751. The church is of the basilica type and is divided into three naves with two rows of columns. It is about 11.5 m high, 20 m long and 13 m wide. Its columns are made of stone and are connected by longitudinal arches, on which walls separate the spaces of the central nave and the side spaces. The central nave is lit by open windows at the roof level of the side naves. While the hall, the narthex and the courtyard of the church that was once surrounded by walls on which the bell tower was raised, no longer exist.
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