
Sarajets of Ali Bej Këlcyre

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The Sarajets of Ali Bej Këlcyre, one of Albania's most magnificent structures, stand proudly on the rocky slope of Mount Trebeshina, overlooking the entrance to the Gryka e Këlcyre. Constructed in the mid-19th century and associated with the Këlcyra family, this imposing building showcases traditional Albanian architecture, featuring eight large four-story towers crafted from intricately carved stone, exuding a sense of solidity and strength.

The ancillary buildings cover an area of ​​3000 m² and include basement storage and living quarters. Inside, the interiors matched the grandeur of the exteriors, boasting spacious rooms, high painted ceilings, and numerous windows that filled the spaces with natural light.

Sadly, in April 1914, the palaces were set ablaze by the Greeks and have remained in ruins ever since. Today, they still command the slope of Mount Trebeshina, serving as a testament to the influence of the Këlcyra family and an important relic of Albanian history and culture. Despite their dilapidation, these ruins attract visitors and researchers intrigued by the unique architecture and historical significance of this landmark.

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855M+C89, Këlcyrë, Albania



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