Vranishti is located at the bottom of the mountain, in the Vlora River. The village is located in the middle of high peaks, often covered with clouds, which is where its name (cloudy weather) comes from.
This village has a special natural beauty, "Guri me Qiell" (Stone with a Sky) which is considered as an exceptional natural object. From the height of this monument, you can see a large part of the Vlora River valley. The stone has the shape of a parallelepiped with a weight that can reach up to 10 tons, perhaps for this reason it is also called "Sofra e Zotit"(house of God).
.This stone is considered as one of the important monuments which is very little known.
In addition to researchers, local residents, "Guri me Qiell" has awakened the interest of many foreigners. Until a few years ago, a considerable number of French tourists and researchers came to the place where it is located every summer.
A festive tradition has become "Dita e Vranisht",which takes place in the month of August and it coincides with the return of emigrants. Everyone gathers, has fun, respects traditions and each other.