The village of Hoçisht is located 6 km west of Bilisht, on the eastern side of the Morava mountain, in Devoll. It is thought that the establishment of this settlement is early, seeing also the constructions, the structure of the church which is located in the center of the village. Around the years 1566-1574, this place had about 107 houses, with a population of 800 souls.
For the explanation of the name of Hoçishti, two of the most appropriate allusions are considered.
• First of all, from the impressions of the first visitors to this country, saying "oh what was that country", as a form of enthusiasm: the linguistic evolution has gone from "Ohcishte" to "Hocishte".
•Secondly, it is related to the direct translation of: Hočisht means "sharp" in the Slavic language.
Hoçishti, as a village with patriotic culture and tradition, has produced many personalities of national and international proportions, outstanding in various fields such as: patriot Jovan Pozio and Marigo Pozio (embroiderer of the flag), Petro Terpini, Koste Uci and academics Alfred Uci and Josif Adhami etc. The first Albanian school in Hoçisht was opened in September 1921.
Its inhabitants were supporters of the democratic movement of 1923-1924, the leader of this movement was Fan Noli. This village has 9 places of worship, organized in the form of churches and buildings. Such as the churches of Kozma and Damjan in Anarjende, where the celebration of Easter, Christmas and Sundays has become a ritual endopeligrinasis.