The Brar Bridge is located under the village of the same name, in Brar of Tirana. The bridge is a cultural monument, which from a typological point of view, represents a stone bridge with a circular vault.
At the beginning of the century XVIII, the cobblestone of the bridge was steeper, then this slope was softened by adding walls on both sides. The bridge consists of a single semi-circular arch decorated by a band of squared stones. The technique used in its construction is based on the simple processing of stones, in relation to lime mortar. A technical detail is also mentioned, which are its foundations, by means of which the object's contact with the ground was realized.
In terms of architectural - functional treatment, the Brari bridge is a bridge with a ridge or hump at the joint of the vault. This bridge has connected the inhabitants of Brar with Tirana and with the caravan route Tirana - Dibër, which passed through the village of Tujan.