The ethnographic museum is located about 800 m from the city center of Kavaja. The museum is one of the most characteristic buildings of the city, belonging to the construction of houses with gazebos. In the center are the two fire houses, next to it are the other two rooms, and in front of them, along these premises, lies the hall.
The museum was declared a Cultural Monument in 1971. It is thought to have been built by the Arkaxhi family, around the end of the XVII century and the beginning of the XIX century, in the years 1800-1805. It contains authentic values such as folk clothing and other objects from the Illyrian period and its content is focused on: On the architectural style of the building and the functions of the compartments that make it up, on the systematic structure of the fireplace, bedroom and guest room as well as the general ethnographic fund.
The main characteristic of the fund of the ethnographic museum is determined by a variety of objects and their different origins. As are the handicrafts composed in ceramics, copper and textiles by local artisans, representing the city and the region.
It also has a wide collection of works from the northern, northeastern and southern regions of Albania. The elements of traditional clothing from these regions are distinguished by the high level of craftsmanship and finesse, by the wealth of ornaments and symbols fused into geometric, zoomorphic and anthropometric forms.
It has undergone restoration mainly in the maintenance of some objects which are exposed in the courtyard of the monument. The ethnographic museum remains to be visited for the rare values of the ethnographic heritage, by many local and foreign tourists.
5HJ4+57M, Kavajë, AlbaniaMuzeu karakteristik etnografik i Kavajes me pelqen, kur te vij ne Shqiperi do ta vizitoj. Per momentin po shkruaj per ngjarjet e zgjedhjeve per Asamblene Kushtetuese te vitit 1923, ku Kavaja permendet per vrasjen e zgjedhesit te dyte, patriotit demokrat Haxhi Jusuf Kazazi, me 25 dhjetor 1923. Autoresia e vrasjes se tij, sipas Gazeta “Panorama Online“, April 21, 2021, autor Hasan Bello : “Vrasjet ne prag zgjedhjesh nisen rreth nje shekulli me pare/ Cfare ndodhi ne vitin 1923 kur nje treftar dhe