
Pëllumbasi Cave

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The Pëllumbasi Cave, also known as the Black Cave, stands as an archaeological marvel steeped in history and culture, situated near the village of Pëllumbasi. This site holds immense significance for both researchers and visitors alike, providing a captivating glimpse into the early epochs of human civilization.

For millennia, the Black Cave has served as a refuge and habitation for our ancestors, fostering their daily lives and activities since approximately 10,000 years ago. Through meticulous archaeological excavations, scholars have unearthed evidence of primitive techniques such as fire-making and the crafting of rudimentary tools, alongside more sophisticated practices, showcasing the cave's pivotal role in the cultural and evolutionary narrative of this region.

Among the six karst caves documented in Europe, the Pigeon Cave occupies a unique position, perched at an altitude of 350 meters above sea level and featuring an extensive tunnel stretching approximately 70-80 meters in length. Beyond its historical and archaeological significance, this cave offers an unparalleled opportunity for an unforgettable tourist experience.

The dawn of exploration for the Black Cave began in 1995 when specialists from the Scientific Didactic Association embarked on a journey of discovery, heralding a new era of research into this hidden trove of history. Etched upon the stone walls of the cave are the imprints of our forebears, where ancient inhabitants, adept at harnessing the raw materials around them, shared sustenance and immortalized moments of their existence through primitive art.

Within the cavern's depths, inscriptions of love stories intertwined with personal names offer a poignant glimpse into the lives and traditions of our ancestors, further enriching the tapestry of human development and serving as a nexus of ancient cultures. The Black Cave stands as a testament to the enduring journey of humanity and remains a beacon of exploration for those seeking to delve into the depths of our shared heritage.

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7X49+V5V, Pëllumbas, Albania



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