Mejtepi i Kabashi is located in the village of the same name, in Kabash of Puka. It is one of the most important Mejtepets of the Mufti of Puka. This mejtep is thought to be very early, from the time of the Ottoman Empire. During 1912, the mejtepi functioned partially until 1913, the year that also marked its temporary closure. Thanks to the contribution of imam Sadik Prishtina, Mejtepi of the village of Kabash Pukë was reopened in 1914, where the registration of the first students took place, which lasted until 1940. Years later, the first school of the village was opened precisely in the Mejtepi building of the mosque. Sadik Prishtina was appointed teacher and teacher after his studies at the Elbasan Normal School.
Mejtep is a kuttab or maktab is a type of elementary school in the Muslim world.
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