The village of Krraba is located in the southeastern part of Tirana, between the middle course of the rivers Erzen and Shkumbin. The population of Krraba reaches 2343 inhabitants and it has a hilly area, with a height ranging from 200 - 900 m. Krraba is a former industrial area that was opened in 1957 to exploit coal. Heavy industry was eager for the ore to serve as fuel. This source is located in the southeast of the capital, about 28 km away from it. This is how the massive exploitation of the mine began and about 2,000 workers from all over the country were brought to Krrabë, turning it into a small town. The Krraba mine worked until 1990, and after this year it went out of business.
As part of the economy in the area of Krraba, there was also a silkworm farm. It was established in 1975 and the product was used only for the domestic market, serving the light textile and clothing industry. Also, animal husbandry has been a tradition of development since the oldest times. It is thought that the name of Skuterrë village itself comes from "sheep pasture". Hunting is a very important element that favors mountain and sports tourism, becoming a source of income for local business.
• The vegetation of this area is quite rich. It is mainly represented by: the belt of Mediterranean evergreen and deciduous shrubs and oak forests. The most widespread shrubs are: mare, heather, gorse, thrush, sedge, sedge, etc. The wealth of nature in the Krraba area is also enhanced by the variety of medicinal plants such as: hawthorn, cornflower, bee grass, nettle, mountain tea, chamomile, wild rose, rosemary, laurel, elderberry, basami flower, etc. • Fauna in the territory of Krraba is adapted to the mountainous relief, climate and vegetation. In this area, you can find predatory mammals such as: wolf, fox, skunk, wild boar, wild rabbit, squirrel, etc. Among the birds mentioned are: the falcon, the royal mountain eagle, the falcon, the owl, the cuckoo, the sparrow, the owl, the woodpecker, the mountain partridge, etc. The folk clothes used in the costumes of the brides of the highlands of Krrabë are identified with the middle strings, tirqet, kallcet. While in men's clothing, the black jacket with wings and without wings stands out. In addition to these, this area is also well known for the production of socks with characteristic motifs, etc. Krraba remains a very popular destination for visitors who adore beautiful nature, clean and fresh air, and especially for adventure sports full of adrenaline such as: rafting, canoeing, mountaineering, biking, hiking, etc. Also, its territory has potential in the development of mountain tourism, with the morphological forms of the hills, mountain ranges as well as the rich biodiversity.