
Bjeshkët e Tërbunit dhe Kushnetit

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Bjeshkët e Tërbunit dhe Kushnetit are located in a mountain block on the southwest side of the district of Puka, with an altitude of 1476 m (the top of Suçeli). They lie between the valley of Fani Madh in the east, the valley of Gomsiqe in the north and the basin of Kalivaci and that of Ungrejt in the southwest and south.

Bjeshkët e Tërbunit dhe Kushnetit are separated almost in the middle by the upper valley of Gjadri, which is quite deep and has very steep slopes. In the northwest of this valley, the block is called Bjeshkët e Tërbunit, while in the southeast it is called Bjeshkët e Kushnetit.

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Bjeshket e Terbunit dhe Kushnenit, Albania



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